Colourful houses in Singapore

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Singapore is sooooooo beautiful!

Stanley and Antoinette (pictured above) from The Little Drom Store took me around on what we came to call the 'instagram tour' and showed me so many pretty houses! There was so much to see, with such little time, and on one occasion Stanley even pulled out the car before I had closed my door. Ha ha. It was literally the ideal tour for me. GET THE PHOTO! LET'S GO! NEXT!

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I mean, these pretty colours! Do you die?! Soooooo cute!

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Most of these photos were taken with my Fujifilm X100T in the Joo Chiat area which is ridiculously pretty. The tiles, the colours...I basically walked around with my jaw dropped to the ground.

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Love Love
Hello Sandwich


Hello Hawker!

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Hello Sandwiches!!!

How are you all? It's F I N A L L Y getting cold in Tokyo. I made nabe tonight, and am wearing heat tech, and my feet are cold and I can smell winter. It's brilliant.

I'm just back from Singapore where I hosted a series of workshops and had a pop-up at The Little Drom Store. Gosh it's been incredible travelling around lately. Lithuania, Amsterdam and Singapore. I have a giant backlog of images to show you, but for now, here are some pics from the hawker food center.

OMG this place, and all it's amazing colour and delicious foo.! I can't even!

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Antoinette and Stanley from The Little Drom store took me to their favourite fresh fruit juice stall. I'd caught a cold in Singapore, and Antoinette recommended a Singapore remedy of, I think it was starfruit and salt. It was super delicious and I'm sure it helped me recover. Stanley had mentioned that he really loved the retro signage at the hawker food center, and we had long conversations about the fonts, printing types, and acrylic signs. The perfect conversation.

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The curry puff uncle! Singapore is F U L L of smiles.

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Lilac bowls!

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Canary yellow. Green. Turquoise. And lime. Yassssss!

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Orange and lime.

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Even the stacks of dirty plates made it onto my Fujifilm X100T.

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Love the cutlery identification tagging technique.

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Bobochacha (which is ridiculously fun to say) and other amazing Singapore desserts.

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In case it wasn't already amazing enough, Stanley came back with drinks in bags. And check out the bags - purple and red. Teamed with the little fluoro green ties - I can't even. 

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Pink drink in a bag. With a yellow straw! STOP!!!

"Let's shoot it again, without the line and with both hands"

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Do you die?

I die!

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Each stall paints the ends of their cutlery so they can be returned to the correct stall. Swoon!

"It looks cute with the tiles too, don't you think?"

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Okay so people who bring their own coloured melamine to the hawker food center (which is already filled with coloured melamine) ARE THE BEST!

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We did a shoot for Polkaros' new 'Singapore Dessert' collection. Antoinette said it felt like she was making me work, but for me it was heaven. I LOVE a good shoot. Ant and Stanley brought along their own props and we stood on chairs taking overhead shots in the middle of the hawker food center. We even made good use of a mint tray as a reflector board. Lol. You can take the girl outta Vogue Living...

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This polkaros collection is ridiculously cute!

And ZOMG. You guys! This is a chance to get one of the very last copies of my Tokyo Guide! The Little Drom Store have opened up their online shop with a few of their copies! Head over here if you'd like one.

I can't wait to tell you more about this amazing store we found full of melamine plates. On thwe way back to Tokyo my suitcase was full with 'Hello Hawker' items. I can't wait to have a #HelloHawker picnic before it gets too cold.

In the time being, head over to my instagram or snapchat for pics and snippets.

Love Love
Hello Sandwich


Hello Sandwich pop-up at Kusasanmuri!

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Hello Sandwiches!

I will be hosting a pop-in-anytime workshop between 13:00 and 17:00 at the Cui Cui event at Kusakanmuri. The Handmade notebook workshop is 1.5 hours long and is just ¥1500! Come along and craft with me, yo! 

Hello Sandwich Handmade Notebook Workshop!
17th October
13:00 - 18:00

You can check out the details here. 


kusakanmuriのレッスン講師としてもおなじみのフラワー&アート制作ユニット"Cui Cui(キュイキュイ)"が、2015年10月10日に結成5周年を迎えます。これを記念し、みなさまと一緒に楽しいひと時を過ごすイベント「Cui CuiのHALLOWEEN Party」を開催します。
Cui Cuiによるワークショップのほか、Cui Cuiのポップでかわいい世界に囲まれて撮影するフォトスタジオ、フードスタイリストやアパレルブランド、雑貨店によるマルシェスタイルの販売、愉快な演奏会など、盛りだくさんの内容です。


・Petite africane(アフリカ雑貨・アパレル)
・Hello Sandwich(アーティストの作品販売とワークショップ)
・Printworks Studio Shibuya(活版印刷ワークスタジオ)
・On and on(コーヒー豆や手作り焼き菓子)
...and more!

I hope to see you there!

Love Love
Hello Sandwich


Hello Sandwich workshop at Tsutaya T-site Daikanyama!

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You guys!

I'm back from Europe! OMG I have sooooooooo many pics to show you! You might have seen some over at my instagram account, but there are so many more to come. The new Fujifilm X100T was INCREDIBLE. And the trip was, like the Antwerp trip, life changing.

But! For now, I wanted to let you know that I'll be hosting a workshop atDaikanyama's Tsutaya T-site on 13th October. Please come along y'all!

Details over here:

代官山 蔦屋書店のちいさな手芸教室 第21回 ハローサンドイッチと一緒に、ウェディングPOP UPカードをつくろう
2015年10月13日(火) / 蔦屋書店3号館 1階 ブックフロア

蔦屋書店3号館 1階 ブックフロア

国内外で活躍しているハローサンドイッチさんを講師に迎え、マーサ・スチュワートのクラフトパンチを使って立体的なカードをつくるワークショップを開催します。 今までも新宿伊勢丹やホビーショーでも人気のハローサンドイッチによる大人気のワークショップ。

ブライダルをテーマにハート等人気モチーフを代官山 蔦屋書店のフェアでも展開しています。

代官山 蔦屋書店の料理フロアで開催中のブライダルフェアの商品、もしくは書籍いずれか1点をご購入頂いお客様に参加券をお渡しいたします。

・ 店頭(3号館1階レジ)
・お電話(代官山 蔦屋書店 料理フロア 03-3770-2525)






Present from Fujifilm!!!

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You guys!!!

I LIVE for Fujifilm so you can just imagine when I received an email from Fujifilm press (and two orders for my Hello Sandwich Tokyo Guide from them!!!) wanting to make contact with me and send over some goodies to play with! I MEAN....! I practically s c r e a m e d at my iMac!

The amazing girls at Fujifilm head office in Australia heard about my upcoming trip to Lithuania and Amsterdam and wanted me to have this X100T in time for the trip! Not only is it such a beautiful, beautiful camera, but it has wireless transfer which will be so invaluable for travelling so I can instagram pics live on location without having to go back to my laptop in the hotel. I can't wait to share some pics with you from the trip!

Love you Fujifilm! (and you brilliant girls in Sydney who made this all happen!)

P.S. For anyone who has the Hello Sandwich Tokyo Guide - you can see the Fujifilm shop in the Harajuku section!

Love Love
Hello Sandwich



Hello Sandwich at the Tokyo Art Book Fair 2015

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Hello Sandwiches!

I'll be at the Tokyo Art Book Fair again this year selling the very last of my Hello Sandwich Tokyo Guide zines! (Thank you so much to everyone who has contacted me asking about a re-print or digital copy, but these are the absolute last copies)

Booth C-25 on Monday 21st September.


For more details click here. I hope to see you there!

BOOTH : C-25

Hello Sandwich (Ebony Bizys) is an Australian / Lithuanian craft artist, designer and blogger based in Tokyo. Before moving to Tokyo in 2010, Bizys worked at Vogue magazines for 11 years, most recently in the position of Deputy Art Director at Vogue Living. Since moving to Tokyo, Bizys has Art Directed a Japanese book, designed a Japanese fashion website, been commissioned by Vogue Japan to make artworks for their publication, collaborated with Japanese masking tape brand mt on workshops and has appeared in many Japanese books and magazines. Bizys currently blogs for Vogue Japan, hosts monthly craft workshops and has released three books which have been translated into multiple languages. She records her daily life on her Japan + Craft blog Hello Sandwich.


今年もTokyo Art Book FairでHello Sandwichが参加します!

最近発売されたHello Sandwich Tokyo Guideのミニコミ誌も販売を予定していいるよ!

残りわずかしかないから早く遊びに来てね~ (ミニコミ誌についてたくさん連絡してくれてありがとう! とても嬉しかったよ~)




新しい所に行きたかったら一緒にHello Sandwich Tokyo Guideで東京を冒険しよう~♪


--> Tokyo Art Book Fair: C-25ブースまで会いに来てね!待ってます!

Hello Sandwich (ハローサンドウィッチ ) / Ebony Bizys (エボニー・ビジズ)



母国では11年間、Vogueに勤務し、Vogue Livingの副アートディレクターとして



Vogue Japanのアートワーク、マスキングテープ「mt」



Hello Sandwich か



クラフトについて綴った人気ブログ「Hello Sandwich」を運営。