Hello Sandwich x mt school for wrapping 2012!


Sandwiches! I was asked again to do a mt school for wrapping workshop and also make five artworks for the mt exhibition! This is so much fun!
I hope you can come along to the workshops. There are only ten spots for each workshop so call to book soon if you think you can come.

Saturday 7th April - 11am - Hello Sandwich Wrapping with mt tape - ¥1000

Wednesday 11th April - 11am - Hello Sandwich Collage with mt tape - ¥1000

Bookings can be made by calling East Side Tokyo (Yotsubako) between the hours of 10:00〜21:00 on TEL.045-914-5670


定 員:各日10名
内 容:mtを使ったラッピング、コラージュ
講 師:HELLO SANDWICHさん クラフトアーティスト
1980年、オーストラリア・シドニー生まれ。クリエイティブな仕事をもつ両親の影響で、子供の頃から手作り好きに。ニューサウスウェールズ大学在学中からオーストラリアの「ヴォーグ」で仕事を開始。約11年勤務し、「ヴォーグ リビング」で副アートディレクターを務めた。2010年6月に来日。年内に日本の出版社からクラフト本を出版予定。

UPDATE - The workshops are now fully booked. We are trying to put on a second workshop on 7th. Please stay tuned to the mt website for details.

I can't wait to see you there and create using all the lovely mt tapes! Do you remember last years?

Love Love
Hello Sandwich